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Find Parts Faster, Increase Profits With Confidence

Are you tired of juggling multiple suppliers, endless phone calls, and inaccurate parts orders? It's time to upgrade your shop's parts procurement process. Sign up for our free, on-demand micro-course and discover how PartsTech can help you simplify your part ordering workflow, reduce errors, and provide your customers with a better experience.

In this micro-course, you'll learn how to: 

  • Connect to all your parts & tire suppliers in one place to compare real-time pricing and availability

  • Use free interactive vehicle diagrams to visually identify and order exact parts in a snap

  • Streamline ordering with time-saving features like one-click stock orders and "Popular Jobs"

    for adding all parts at once

  • Customize estimates by hiding part brands to maintain professionalism


Estimated Completion Time: 25 minutes


Total Number of Modules: 7


Duration of Each Module:      2 to 7 minutes

Let's Get Started with Module 1

What is PartsTech?

In this module, you'll learn what PartsTech is and how it can improve and integrate with your parts ordering process. You'll also learn about some of its benefits and how it can save you time and effort in finding the right parts for your jobs.

Register For On-Demand Access To The Full Micro-Course:

Frequently Asked Questions | FAQ

Is PartsTech really free?
Yes! No setup fees, monthly costs, or hidden charges. Start ordering parts without providing a credit card.

Is there a cap on supplier connections?
No limit! Connect all your suppliers in one place, whether you have 2 or 20.
Does PartsTech replace my shop management system?
No, PartsTech integrates with your existing SMS, giving you access to its features and supplier network directly from your system.
Sign Up For PartsTech 

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Cambridge, MA 02142

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