Top Processes Every Auto Shop Needs: Turning Challenges into Success

PartsTech Customer, Lauralee (Lola) Schmidt, COO of Schmidt Auto Care, and her husband nearly lost their shop due to a lack of processes. However, through a dramatic overhaul of their processes, they not only rescued their shop but transformed it into a model of efficiency and profitability. Lola's journey has fueled her mission to inspire other shop owners to revolutionize their businesses by embracing and mastering effective processes.

Without well-defined, repeatable processes, your shop can quickly become chaotic — leading to unhappy customers, frustrated employees, and lost revenue. Join our webinar to learn from Lola how you can transform your auto shop through the meticulous creation of processes for every nook and cranny of your operations.

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Register For The Webinar To Learn:


Why defining your shop through processes is essential.


Signs that your shop urgently needs to implement processes.


Practical steps to begin creating and implementing processes.


Top processes that new shop owners should establish from the start.


Top processes to refine and optimize for long-term success in established shops.

Get To Know Our Speakers
Lola HS

Lauralee (Lola) Schmidt

COO, Schmidt Auto Care

Lola witnessed firsthand the transformative power of implementing practical processes to turn a struggling business into a thriving, healthy business. Lola is passionate about inspiring other shop owners to establish smart, effective processes that will proactively keep you, and your team, free of chaos or decline.

Jake HS

Jake Benson

Director of Strategic Accounts, PartsTech

Jake has worked in technology and business consulting for 25 years and has spent the last 18 years in the automotive aftermarket space — including over 13 years at NAPA and three years at Solera. As Director of Strategic Accounts at PartsTech since 2021, Jake is in charge of managing strategy and engagement with all customer-facing software partners along with major account clients and new sales opportunities.

“No one loves process, but everyone needs it. Discovering what processes are lacking, addressing them, and then standing by them takes immense effort. But process is what will give your guidance during the chaos. Learn to lean on the process.”

-Lauralee Schmidt
COO, Schmidt Auto Care

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